
About Us

       Personalized products and services!

  Meiya Rubber & Plastic Products Co.Ltd.is a company specializing in the production of silicone rubber roller, roller Blocking silica, silica gel ink roller. Blocking silica plate, plate heat transfer silica, silica gel plates of silica products and other high technology enterprises. Well-known enterprises from more than 100 years of supporting production, as the most influential producers of rubber and plastics products, and all businesses won critical acclaim. Blocking and that the area be recognized Horse.

  Since its inception the company always adhered to the principle of "people-centered, integrity first" principle, the importance of attracting talent. adopt internationally advanced production and testing equipment and technology, introduction of modern scientific management mechanism. to provide users with high-quality products -- silicone roller, roller Blocking silica, silica gel ink roller, Blocking silica plates Plate heat transfer silica, silica gel plates.

  Meiya Uphold unity, spirit, innovation, practical business ideas, invites friends to share the news of success Rui harvest!

  We are committed to a 24-hour all-weather for your service!


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